Social Club:

You must create a Rockstar 
account link your Royal Screen name to it from their you will get access to crew invites, stats, crew fueds, wins, leader boards and search other crews. In Additon here you can create your own emblem sumited and can be used as a crew emblem​​.
Also here you can see live mutiplayer events held by Rockstarts Developers and watch live stream videos.

Royal Legends:

We are Group of Legends Coming from Red Dead Redemption after 2 years of domination we are moving forward with our next chapter in Max payne also GTA V​​​​ we are here to make a Impact and lay to rest the competition.

​​Royal Legends Bow Down to Greatness


​​​​Here is a step by step video tutorial

Max Payne:

​​For Max Payne,the tragedies that took his loved ones years ago are wounds that refuse to heal.No longer a cop, close to washed up and addicted to pain killers, Max takes ajob in São Paulo, Brazil, protecting the family of wealthy real estate mogulRodrigo Branco, in an effort to finally escape his troubled past. But as eventsspiral out of his control, Max Payne finds himself alone on the streets of anunfamiliar city, desperately searching for the truth and fighting for a way out.

Featuring cutting edge shooting mechanics for precision gunplay,advanced new Bullet Time® and Shootdodge™ effects, full integration of NaturalMotion’s Euphoria Character Behavior system for lifelike movement and a dark andtwisted story, Max Payne 3 is a seamless, highly detailed, cinematic experiencefrom Rockstar Games.

In addition to an expansive single-player campaign,Max Payne 3 will also be the first entry in the series to introduce a thoroughand engrossing multiplayer experience. In a unique twist, Max Payne 3multiplayer delivers a compelling experience that dynamically alters maps andmode progression for all players in a match. Along with traditional multiplayermodes, Max Payne 3 will also include a deep reward and leveling system,persistent clans and multiple strategic load-outoptions.

Trailer 1
Trailer 2